
What Is Napoleon Like in Animal Farm

What Is Napoleon Like in Animal Farm


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" All animals are equal, only some animals are more equal than others.
~ Napoleon'southward replacement for the seventh commandment.
" Long alive Fauna Farm!
~ Napoleon's catchphrase.

Napoleon is the master antagonist of George Orwell'due south 1945 novel Animal Farm and its adaptations. He is a ruthless Berkshire boar of the Estate Farm who took office in the revolution to kicking out the farm'south owner Mr. Jones and becomes the tyrannical leader of the Animal Farm afterwards ousting his political rival Snowball, somewhen turning the farm into a state no meliorate than it was under Mr. Jones.




Subsequently Onetime Major's decease, Napoleon and Snowball assumed command of the animals of Manor Farm and orchestrated a revolution, successfully overthrowing their irresponsible farmer and his "regime". Napoleon was initially considered a war hero; however, he soon revealed his true colors to all of the other animals, revealing himself as extremely decadent, traitorous, selfish, and greedy, chasing Snowball away in guild to declare himself the leader of Animal Farm and enacting changes to the administrative construction of the farm past replacing communal meetings with a committee of pigs who had the ability to pass laws.

As he grew more authoritative and powerful, he began employing barbarous methods to dispose of animals whom he deemed a threat and adopted tyrannical and undemocratic policies almost identical to those used by the humans, even making hypocritical changes to the sacred Seven Commandments of Animalism which was Animate being Farm'south core conventionalities system.

Throughout the book, Napoleon constantly slandered Snowball, branding him a traitor who was working for Mr. Jones.

By the finish of the book, Napoleon and his fellow pigs (minus Snowball, who ran afoul of Napoleon and was disposed of) and human allies are and then iniquitous and corrupt that the other animals can no longer tell the divergence between the pigs and the humans.

Film Adaptations

However, in the 1954 motion picture and 1999 live accommodation, Napoleon's actions are generally consistent with those of his novel counterpart. He and his beau pigs (again, minus Snowball) gradually exert complete control over the farm, rewrite all of Erstwhile Major's commandments, and somewhen showtime wearing human wearing apparel, walking on two legs, and drinking. But like the book, by the end of the adaptations, the other animals could no longer tell the difference between the pigs and the humans. Also in the animated adaptation, Napoleon had his dogs kill Snowball instead of simply chase him off.

Napoleon's fate deviates from the original book, where he survives, and in both films, he dies. How and so varies between the adaptations.

  • In the 1954 animated pic, animal residents from several neighboring farms rallied to Creature Farm upon learning that Napoleon altered the 7th commandment for his own benefit. After spying on the pig's congress meeting, the now elderly Benjamin reveals Napoleon's plans for farther totalitarianism. Enraged at this, the residue of the animals make up one's mind that enough is enough. Under Benjamin'due south leadership, they stage another rebellion and advance upon the house. Napoleon and the remainder of the cowardly pigs hear them coming and the villainous boar tries to summon his guards. Unfortunately, through means unspecified, the canines drank excessive amounts of alcohol and are completely wasted. Realizing that nobody is coming, Napoleon frantically looks around realizing too tardily that all the escape routes are cut off, and he is surrounded. Alone and helpless, Napoleon and the rest of his cowardly kind, tin can only watch in horror equally the animals they accept mistreated and abused smash through every obstacle and deport down on them. The rebels vanguard, led by several aroused bulls stampede through the house, trampling/beating all of the pigs to death in their dining hall, as well every bit the portrait of Napoleon shattered and fallen off the wall. The pic ends with a frontal view of Benjamin vindictively surveying the scene.
  • In the 1999 live-activity version of the book, Jessie the dog managed to salvage some of the animals from Napoleon's evil schemes. Those that remained had to endure years of hardship nether the roughshod boar's dominion, despite his proclamations that they were now free. Eventually, several years subsequently Napoleon took over, the h2o towers collapsed during a bad storm. Napoleon and many of his loyalists perished in the resulting destruction. Jessie and the other escapees returned to find the farm in ruin, a far cry from Old Major'south dream, a victim of Napoleon's madness. Another family of humans later purchased the subcontract, with Jessie vowing to make sure that they never made the aforementioned mistakes as Napoleon.


Napoleon is described as a mature stud boar, although he was the runt of his litter and had to fight for food growing upward in lodge to become big and strong, contributing to his socially Darwinistic view of the world and of his place in it. During his reign over the subcontract, he becomes quite overweight due to his excessive eating and alcoholism. In the animated film, he is depicted every bit bipedal, sneering, imperious, autocratic, and administrative, wearing dark, double-breasted suits. In the adaptations, he is depicted with black and white fur.


Napoleon is a cruel, oppressive, hypocritical, deceptive, and tyrannical dictator defined past his unquenchable thirst for power. Napoleon is a remorseless and psychopathic sadist who abuses his ability as presently equally he obtains it and is only concerned with furthering his own selfish goals rather than benefiting Animal Subcontract. He is also extremely manipulative and charismatic, so he is able to inspire the other animals to turn against Snowball's vision of the peaceful Animal Farm, although information technology could be argued that Snowball had visions of a dictatorial government himself.

Although he initially presents a façade of cocky-effacing modesty, describing himself every bit "a applied sus scrofa of few words" who would "work hard and say picayune", Napoleon predominantly uses words to manipulate others, and is a supercilious and egotistic elitist, ordering that many poems and songs be written about himself, singing his praises as the savior and leader of Animate being Subcontract and insisting that information technology reverts to its original name of Manor Farm subsequently he had established himself as its dictator and succeeded in rallying the other farmers to his cause. He is also a hedonistic and parsimonious alcoholic who sired many illegitimate piglets. Whilst being obviously intelligent, knowledgeable, and cocky-confident, Napoleon rarely contributes whatever ideas of his own, preferring to discredit the ideas of his opponents and and then claim those ideas as his own in one case he had driven out his rivals. This is to both further convince his beau animals that he is a great leader as well as keep his opponents in line.

Napoleon is as well extremely opprobrious, vituperative, persuasive, deceitful, and bitter, having had to fight his manner to power through cruelty and cunning as a result of being the smallest of his litter of pigs. He sees the world every bit a socially Darwinistic place where the ends e'er justified the means. He even goes every bit far as to make a deal with the humans at the cease of the book. This shows that Napoleon is naught more than than a heartless tyrant who would do anything to remain in power.


Creature Farm (1954)

" The revolution is now complete. We have no more use for that song. Singing it is now forbidden nether penalty of death!
~ Napoleon afterwards overhearing the animals' lamentable song.
" Loyal followers, on farms owned and operated past pigs, at that place is order and discipline. Our lower animals do more work and consume less than other on farms. [gives medals] With this, we encourage you to brand your lower animals work even harder and eat even less! To a greater Animal Subcontract! For peace and enough under sus scrofa rule! To the day when pigs own and operate farms EVERYWHERE!
~ Napoleon to the other pigs, as well as his last words.

Animal Farm (1999)

" Animals, never over again will we be threatened by our enemies! I decree that this subcontract shall now devote itself to the making of weapons to the building of walls! For the protection of ourselves and our way of life, the revolution is over! ALL ANIMALS ARE NOW FREE!
~ Napoleon to the other animals, before his demise.


  • Napoleon is based on the late real-life Soviet revolutionary and dictator Joseph Stalin. Napoleon arguably represents Communist Russia (maybe even the idea of authorities abuse) as a whole, while Snowball represented the Conditional Authorities that was overthrown in the October Revolution (or perhaps any benevolent government that is replaced by a less chivalrous one), or Stalin'due south early ideological rival named Leon Trotsky. One-time Major represented the principles of Marxism (or whatever political credo).
  • In the French version of the story, Napoleon is called Caesar instead. This is because French laws foreclose a pig to be named after the late statesman Napoleon Bonaparte.

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What Is Napoleon Like in Animal Farm


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